
I'm fine with everything, except this
So far I haven't flinched at Monster Orgies, Human Sacrifice, Cowboy Vampires
but for some reason
the Nest bothered me.

Things I like about this season
The chefs (at least some) seem more accomplished than in years past.
Padma is back after that Boney asian chick hosted masters
A couple of chef's from places other than America/Europe originally

Galactus will serve as Referee

You want to write the script with me?

Interesting fact, Keifer Sutherland may also contain Cocaine.

I thought you said Patois instead of pathos.

So that car sequence with Sookie and Lafayette
Was totally weird and disjointed. Anyone notice that or was it just me. It was like Anna Paquin was reading her lines wrong. I don't know how should should have done it, but it's like when people can't give you a phone number in the standard cadence and then throw off

I dream of Demons!

I meant to say its dumb as shit that two major important pieces of Bill's life (crucial to season 2) just happened to be in the same house, in the same wardrobe and same place in time of a period of 200 years of his life and at that rate, why not just have him stumble upon it by looking at Wikipedia or a Snapple fun

Holy Fucking shit fuck. It's got like a million good people in it. Fucking 11 months till this comes out god damn it.

Coincidence of Coincidences
Bill was reading about Marryann in the previously shown flashback. 200 hundred years and two major pieces in one tightly wound night in the house. Cheap ass True Blood budget. Fuck, they may have just as well cut to Bill being bored on wikipedia.

I posted before I watched it. I don't have HBO so I had to wait as it were. But the previous episodes never addressed said problem.

One more thing, What happens to Sam's wallet every time he ditches his pants? Does he have to get a new drive's license every week or does he just leave it at home?

Vampire Novels and Taste Buds
So I was in Target today, apparently outside of the Sookie Stackhouse and Twilight Novels, there's also 3 other vampire related fiction series. So apparantly Vampires are like the New Pogs.

The Good Shit
In addition or repeated

Todd you clearly missed the last episode…or something

How does Sam never lose his wallet?
Also, I really like Hoyt's character. Seems very realistic.

Nash can act in commercials
Also, Vince is fucking BORING. Christ he sucks. However the Johnny plotline is pretty awesome.

I'm Still Angry about Rose Bowl

Lala sucks hard
I stopped listening to streaming music once pitchfork and you guys switched.