
Overall, that episode of CiCGC was good, but watching Seinfeld just laughing at Colbert as he earnestly recited Neutral Milk Hotel lyrics that he felt reflected life and happiness (and obviously meant quite a lot to him) was incredibly off-putting.

The uncut version of that show, which I swear had like 30 minutes or so of extra content, was so fantastic. Dunno if they still have that available online somewhere, but it's worth searching out.

Discovered my newest fetish today when I saw Tina Fey in a tuxedo with the tie undone *fans self*

I have a lot of memories attached to G4 from my preteen years. I was never much of a 'gamer', partially because we couldn't really afford to get all the brand-new games that I heard about on G4, but it really felt like this entirely different sub-culture was being sent directly to my television screen. You didn't have

I've had 3 die on me in the past 4-5 years (one of them was my own fault though, dropped the second one when I was standing over a toilet extremely hungover, trying to listen to music to dull the headache). Problem with them is that unlike the rest of the new iPods, they have spinning hard drives, so it can easily

For me, it's Habit by Ought; one of the few examples of post-punk done in a novel way in the 21st century. You can hear the influences of early, spastic Talking Heads and the droning viola of The Velvet Underground, but it's definitely its own beast. Those last couple minutes, as Tim Beeler just begins screaming the

oh god that episode still delivers a gut punch to the feels

Totally agree. There were so many sub-plots going on, without any of them going into any real detail and suddenly going right into one after the other. But the characters have been so static that it still paradoxically feels sluggish (also, their need to explicitly reinforce the fascist parallels for the

*commits seppuku with a copy of Low for being such a terrible Bowie fan*

I'm getting unreasonably frustrated with him using a Ziggy Stardust costume to do Space Oddity

I've actually had the Oreo-creme filled ones, and they pretty much taste the exact same as a normal chewy Chips Ahoy cookie, because there's such a thin layer of creme that it's hardly noticeable.That, and they fall apart pretty much as soon as you touch it. Turns out that hollowing out the inside of a cookie and

that wink he gives as he walks back into the cheering crowd at the calzone party made the entire episode for me

One of the best punk bands ever. I'm more of a fan of Plays Pretty for Baby; it's a bit more developed musically and lyrically than 13 Points, but you can't beat the manic, teenage energy of Spectra Sonic Sound. N-Sub Ulysses and Shakedown are equally classic post-hardcore songs.
One of the other reasons why I love

My first real concert was actually a Phish show when I was 16, and there they covered another Elephant 6 band when they did Neutral Milk Hotel's In the Aeroplane Over the Sea (the link's down below). I had actually just given that record a first listen the night before the show, so that was pretty cool. There was also

I've actually got a friend who's giving me his copy of D.I. Go Pop on vinyl for free, after he read an article that I wrote about the band in my college's music publication. He got it himself in a box of free records that were being given away, so I guess we're both somewhere beyond lucky.

I've always debated in my head whether or not to fill the playlist with dance, punk, and generally upbeat music or to just go for the depressing stuff. I'd probably end up making two lists, one with all the fun stuff for if I croak before I had kids, the other for if I did have kids (once everything gets a little more

Disco Inferno's always my go-to post-rock band. There was nothing ever like them before, and nothing ever since. They started out as a band in the vein of New Order's debut record, 'Movement', but then reinvented themselves with an electric/sampling drum kit, changing their guitar into a D.I.Y. MIDI controller, and