
I think his strategy to avoid the battle at Riverrun does show some character development, although he does say he only cares about Cersei and no one else. Also, his friendship with Brienne.

Seriously? That was a fantastic episode. To what end, you ask? To see the Starks finally get so!e vengeance and reclaim winterfell. Sure, there were some weaker spots, but the idea that this didn't serve a purpose in the narrative is idiotic.

I Agree, except about Jaime. I prefer show Jaime to the moping Jaime from Book 4

Damn, that raises doubts, but I still won't believe it until he's not on set for Season 6 filming.

I'll believe it when they start filming and Gemma Whelan is on-set.

Yeah, the Dorne plotline was the weakest part of the season, but I think the showrunners did a fairly decent job given 1) they needed to get Jaime away from King's Landing this season, and his FoC plotline is ridiculously boring, 2) they needed to bring Myrcella and the danger she faces into the plotline, and 3) the

There was evidence that the actor that plays Yara was supposed to be in an episode this season - maybe it'll happen next week.

They just did it for the visual and dramatic appeal, but yeah it made no sense story-wise.

Yeah, it seems like there may be a twist next week. Otherwise Ellaria's change-of-heart was very rushed.

The Dornish plot is probably the weakest of the season, but I don't think the showrunners had much of a choice but to include it. It was necessary to get Jaime out of King's Landing and it was necessary to address the fact that Myrcella was unsafe in Dorne. We can fault them for the lousy fight scene though and, as

I thought the episode was pretty great,but seriously, WHY IS BALON GREYJOY still alive on the show? They keep reminding us of the three leeches curse, then glossing over the fact that one of the cursed kings is still breathing. Mel's spell didn't fully work (at least not yet), but Stannis is confident enough in her

Now that we've had Stannis murder his own daughter, it's even weirder that Balon hasn't died yet. Mel's last curse didn't fully work, yet he still trusts her magic enough to burn his daughter at the stake?!

Wow, that's craaaaazy.

Arianne is a well-developed character? She has like 3 chapters in total.

Right, that was the point. Because it makes sense to poison someone, then show them your naked body in order to make the poison work faster, and then just give them the cure to the poison. That's a totally plausible course of action for a character. The producers must have felt deeply compelled to put it in there for

Myles, is there really anyone who would watch that scene of the Sand Snakes and Bronn and think that there was a feminist message? Come on, this was just a really stupid way for the producers to meet their tit quota.

I agree that they could have at least brought it up again instead of the stupid beetles conversation. But I also think it couldn't have been as integral to Tyrion's motivations on the show as it was in the book, because Tysha is constantly in his inner monologue in the book but was only mentioned once before on the

SPOILERS: Really, the "fourth book is pretty good"? The fourth book is awful, especially after A Storm of Swords. Almost nothing happens that seems important for the overall plot. Brienne wanders around for nearly the entire book on a futile quest, and then gets hanged and at the last moment and says "a word" (GRRM

I think its going to be a huge challenge, but I'm really rooting for them. I rally dislike how grrm split the narrative in half for books 4 and 5 so I look forward to seeing what benioff and Weiss do with it.

It seems to me like at the rate they are going, next season will cover all that remains of books 4 and 5