
Yeah? Ass-fucking, too.

so, you dont like the old-timey bikes huh? *boot to the head*

I think you're approaching it from the wrong perspective. Think smaller. I dont know anything about you or your economic situation but do you not think that there is a system of exploitation in place in which certain individuals profit from keeping poor individuals in poverty? I guess I dont understand your

Another glorious day in the Corps! A day in the Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! I LOVE the Corps!

Murder Ballads is great. Thats where I started.

I'm out here every day fighting the good fight to maintain the high regard afforded to pretentious douchebags everywhere. I'm just saying, dont blame me.

seems a little circular to me: your premise is that its a B-grade movie that doesnt lose anything if its not watched in its entirety, therefore you didnt watch it in its entirety. But how did you come to your premise? Because you didnt watch it in its entirety and it didnt seem like it lost anything, so it must not