
Second time that line has gotten a big laugh from me.

Second time that line has gotten a big laugh from me.

You already forgotten about the holiday classic, New Year's Eve?

You already forgotten about the holiday classic, New Year's Eve?

You live up to your name.

Wondering if the fan was going to blow Carrie's skirt even further apart was somewhat exciting.

Is Waldorf Stories the naked Peggy episode?

I'm not sure the season 4 finale can be forgiven. It was terrible.

It is that bad.

Wasn't he saying to be continued to Troy?

I thought that was Billy Bob Thornton in a bad wig at first glance.

It seemed very different. The jokey opening, the slapstick Pete's office bits, the frequent background music. Felt like a much broader show.

See, I look at the gun as a way he isn't showy. He hides his weapon because it helps him pass as just a simple businessman, giving him the element of surprise. I got the feeling the "can I get an amen" was all an act, and a somewhat condescending one he used to sell that idea to Devil.

"McDonough’s Quarles is showier than Margo Martindale’s Mags". Really? Mags killing Loretta's dad was showier than anything Quarles has done so far. Isn't the point of the character that he isn't showy?

In some cases, but quite a few people die and remain dead.

The Crippled God was fantastic

Wow fucking spoilers. I haven't even started Season 2 yet.

I was upset with the Dexter spoiler for about 7 seconds before I realized that it probably didn't matter.

Hasn't the show made Clay's feelings towards Charming Heights painfully obvious at this point? He doesn't want the town to modernize or turn into an idyllic suburb that doesn't tolerate the club. Also, Hale hates the club, so anything that hurts him would be on Clay's list of priorities.

Is that what that was? I just assumed it was a shapeshifter playing lookalikes.