Liberal College Freshman

The Miller through Quinn years were Weekend Update's best.

I'm not gonna lie: I dig their Lay Lady Lay cover.

So I may have had a few post-work Jack & Cokes, but … what.


I'd like to play around with her power glove, if you catch my drift!

The WWE?

I'd love to cuddle with her and ScarJo during a rainy afternoon.

Dear God, it's like he was made by Honda for a trade show!

I never thought an actual human being could fall into the uncanny valley.

Is that the one where Don Adams describes how he'd like to die? I always found that pretty hilarious.

I learned of Walter Mitty via Ian Dury, so I'm going to assume that's how Caan knows of him, too.

It just so happens I got two of your mom's favorites right here!

I've always been curious to hear Chris Farley's version of Shrek.

Those sweet, plump, chest babies…

That's actually a somewhat adorable picture of the two. Oh, and Kim and Kanye also look pretty cute.

It was actually a great dane in a wig.

I've always wanted Link Wray's The Other Side of the Moon played at mine. If there's an afterlife I'd like Queen's Don't Stop Me Now to accompany my ascension, but I'll hedge my bets for now and have that play at my funeral, too.

I'm at work so I can't watch this (at least, with audio) but even in the screencap above you can see the emotion in his face. So sorry for his loss. Luckily, for her and everyone else, she raised one helluva kid.

I came in here to say that, so I'll just piggyback:

I'm pretty sure you were watching Yellow Beard.