Inanimate Carbon Rod Steiger

i agree, this episode was spectacular.

I think the "violence is real" in a certain sense—Bateman does have blood on his hands. But it's not the actual blood of Allen, the hookers, and the hobos. Instead, the violence is the sort of structural violence of the Reagan 80's—poverty, disease, collapsed third world economies. Bateman's victims are real but the

The movie seems to succeed as a metaphor about how there aren't good idioms in America to describe economic violence in structural rather than individual terms. Telling hobos to get jobs etc, murdering them….Bateman is a literalized version in these moments of the economic violence that is typically

yea i know peter brooks doesnt equal what happens in therapy, just saying, my sense is that people are likely to pick up on pop freud faster than say, cognitive behavioral therapy references (which probably was not all the rage in the sixties)

That episode was amazing, too. A nice reference to "Pine Barrens"

Pretty amazing episode. Maybe the best since the ATM and the dopeheads magical meeting.

Con Air
Not actually directed by Michael Bay- it just SEEMS like it is.

Season Limit
I think this show can only possibly go on for one more season after this one. Anything less and we're just going to see something like "Walt Goes Tony Montana On Everybody's Ass" and that would be pretty stupid because this show succeeds on the basis of irony and nuance. There just won't be that many

Skylar is redeemable. She is intelligent. Obviously, she fucked Ted so that she could demonstrate her resolve to Walt in a way that could convince him to give up their charade of a marriage. Yes, she does not know exactly what Walt has done, but as another poster above properly noted, her imagination of what Walt has

I'm not married or anything, but my sense is that if you have a lot of time that can't be accounted for, the person you spend most of your time with will get to wondering what you do with that time really fast. And if you can't produce some clipper ships in bottles or a Level 70 Orc of Doom, they will REALLY become

@ Jerusalem:

Skylar is almost wholly sympathetic. Its easy to forget that Walter's meth making, while somehow simultaneously exhilirating/frightening to us, is a serious fucking crime (even if it is victimless, which is a rather difficult argument to hold up given Jane's death and the awful, horrible way of life in the drug ruins

Fucked Ted….Last?

for writing your book. It was enjoyable to read.

Iron Eagle IV: Iron Man

Also: What about Fear Dot Com? It featured the website that killed people, except the geniuses behind the film couldn't get fear.com, so instead had to roll with www.feardotcom.com