Max Beerbong

Against whom wouldst thou direct thine spite, squire?

Spite against who?

Yeah, it's bizarre. As others have mentioned, there's only a couple weeks left of shooting so for them to drop out now would seem to suggest some extreme issues with the production. The movie's always been a risk, but they assembled a great cast and crew which eased a lot of worry. This news? Not easing so much.

Te nada.

As far as I understand it from similarly Googling that scene when it was mentioned in a different comment thread a couple weeks ago, it means if a fourteen year old and a seventeen year old are dating (weird but technically legal most places,) the relationship continues to be legal once he turns eighteen even though

Damn. Looks like I'll be losing my comment history either way then, but I guess at least this way I don't also lose the ability/will to comment. Thanks for the tip, see you all there! Who'd have thought Disqus would ever be the savior of the commentariat?

Do you have to create a fully-fledged account to post on that part of Disqus? I've just stuck with using my AV Club account here and have no idea how to log it in over there.

"I've never been" implies the possibility that you can still go, to me. There's an implicit "yet." "I never went" would be a more common way of talking about something final. CONFIRMED.

He popped back up maybe a month ago to call somebody a pussy, then disappeared back into the night.

"I've never been to any of Pac's shows by his request." Notice the present tense! Tupac's alive and still performing, straight from Pinkett Smith's mouth.

That one-sheet of him holding two comically oversized guns and pulling a sour-lemon face was more than worth the price of admission, though.

That's the absolute truth. Not only because creeping and wearing mundane disguises makes for dull set pieces, but because the character is totally unsympathetic by design. The only way to adapt it into a fun film is to change everything about it, at which point you've lost the original fans and still not made anything

What's a worse contribution to humanity, the two attempts at making a Hitman movie or actual hitmen?

Fat Amy is a WOC.

I'm not saying her comments were wrong because she was a woman, I'm just saying that the dumb slut got what she was asking for and maybe next time she'll think twice before she opens her female bitch mouth EXACTLY AS I WOULD IF SHE WERE A MAN!

ET was a woman. #ETWasAWoman

Elizabeth Banks has never directed a film starring women.

Her? She comes in here, dressed like a hobo. It's distracting. They can't all be first-round picks, y'know?

I've never been in real life so can't speak to its accuracy personally, but I remember the map in Sleeping Dogs was sold on apparently being an accurate representation of a good chunk of Hong Kong.

Not to mention the rise of neo-nazism! Those fellas love a good Nord.