

"Howard, Howard Howard!" somehow just doesn't sound as good.

She's doing a superb job, no matter how bad her wig looks.

Yes, I'm sure it's wearing thin for him. I know if I had to pretend to be conservative one hour a day four days a week I'd smother myself.

I can't believe the cole-BEAR vs. COLE-bert name is even an issue. Would an actor or actress revert to their birth name suddenly for a new role? I doubt he'll pull a P-Diddy.

You spelled his name so blatantly wrong, it hurts my eyes.

One of my favorite songs of his is off Orphans, "Home I'll Never Be" or "On the Road" which is literally just him naming fun-sounding places across the country.

How did the people from Vulture know he was crying? Did the bag get wet?

Oh, and by shoe I mean "show." (Gin and juice.)

If it weren't for McConaughey (what an impossible last name to spell) I don't know if I'd like the shoe the 110% I do now. And he had never been on my radar before. That is what makes this show special, somehow. The acting, the delivery.

I'm kind of hoping they don't go down that avenue, just because it seems expected of them to sleep together.
Although if I were Maggie I'd be ALL over that shit. Mow my lawn, bitch.

OH and I definitely saw a lone bottle of Tabasco sauce.

I love the way this show is unfolding— and how this week's episode was totally unexpected considering where we left off last week.
A stray reflection: The look on Maggie's face after she told Rust he "must've been a great husband," in the diner. Instant regret.

some books, a coffee machine, and a couple grenades?

CK was about 25…
I'm 1+ years a failure.

I thought The Speckled Band was quite clever.

What the fuck, Glenside, PA? Why not just come to Philly?

My childhood lab lived until just shy of her 17th birthday, so while 12 seems to be the average, you don't have to despair because every dog is different :)

My childhood lab lived until just shy of her 17th birthday, so while 12 seems to be the average, you don't have to despair because every dog is different :)

But how would they have been able to fit all of that amazing detail into one barely-hour-long episode? While simultaneously including other goings-on? In my opinion, no episode can ever truly capture how great the books are and the vast amount of information they include—only try to come close.