Manatee aka Sea Cow

So is anybody here, like, a real big Thin Lizzy fan?

I've noted that bigger gap many times before, just trust me.

Great review
There's just one part I'm confused about, and hoping Noel or someone else can clarify:

If being a shitty conversationalist means having to hew so closely to some disagreeable, senseless, ignorant attitude like "C'mon, man, I like a whole bunch of good stuff, don't ask me to narrow it down any more!", then I suppose I am. Being in any way deep or precise about what you like rubs you the wrong way?

My concern is not with value at all, not who's a philistine or the quality of the music or the particular dipshit-ness of the question-asker… and it's not really even with the specific depth or precision of a listener's attention. My beef is with the resentful, closed-off, "How dare you ask me that?" quality with

I think that practically it does. If you can commit yourself to all those different artists, and have a valid appreciation of them, that's great; but that seems like a Herculean task, and don't be offended if you're asked to report on a smaller, more typical scale.

Disdain for the question "What kind of music are you into?"
…is an attitude I find increasingly common and irksome. You're free to experience art in an unsophisticated, helter-skelter way if that's what you want—dipping into complicated collections like Dyan's just to pick up a song here or there—but please don't

Once you make the choice that Bucky Calloway has highlighted (when considering what color coffee table you would prefer), it is rare that you would return and make another color preference… or so I've been told.

Dead serious.

Bee, obviously. Haven't you ever seen Bee Movie?

Jamaican me crazy.

Van the Man!

It's a risky thing for a clown
to slap the bartender BEFORE he pours him a drink.

I would gladly counterfeit a Vietnamese dong. Oh yeah.

Did the news make it all the more delicious?

Sounds like it'll be pretty gay
…but by no means the gayest thing on HBO.

Buffy and Angel together
So do you watch these back and forth in single episodes, or in their own groupings of three? Does it matter which is first? I've asked other Buffy fans, and the answer always seems to be some measly "Oh, whatever you want" response, which is a bit infuriating. Since I have the means to

The Beatles - With the Beatles
Such stupid gits.

Are these two an item?
Because you didn't seem to include that in your piece, Mr. Wolinsky, and I think it deserves an answer. It would be an interesting match, because of the height difference and because of their overlapping vocations. Not to mention adorable.