luce cannon

Yeah, I always think of her dancing manically & strung out in a room by herself, then collapsing in a sobbing heap. But she never made herself the center of everyone's attention on the basis of her drug issues, like you'd expect from certain other characters on this show. She dishes it out, but also seems to take her

Y'all, it's "faze", not "phase".

Oh come on, "The Squid & the Whale" was funny.

Having left the PNW for… God, ANYWHERE else, it makes total sense to me that Desi would be from there.

He gets laid a lot, for a guy with a bulb nose who sleeps in his own filth as much as he ostensibly does.

If Frank ends up with Bianca, two things: 1. Gross. 2. There is no justice in the world.

All the V criticism is misplaced. I'd be righteously pissed, too, if I had a great relationship livened up with frequent and fabulous sex, and that all stopped after I BORE TWINS. It's like, "good job with the whole carrying 50 extra pounds for 9 months and pushing out not just one but TWO little canteloupes. Your

Agreed about the recaps. As some maudlin dude once said, that joke isn't funny anymore.

Or how about, why didn't Mickey kill their dad long ago? I thought everyone knew about their dad knocking her up, and that was why they had the big abortion fundraiser at the Alibi. You'd think when Melkovich Sr. got on his high horse about the gay thing, someone would've at least publicly called him out on the whole

When that person is Karen Jackson, yes.

It was viscerally satisfying to see Sheila kick Frank's ass to the curb.

There's a weird plasticity of ethics among people in their teens and 20s these days. And if you react to it in any traditional manner at all, you won't have to cut them out of your life. They'll be gone like they never knew you.

A good synonym for "on-the-nose": pat. It has brevity and underuse in its favor.

Why is Chuckie the one kid Sheila DOESN'T want to take in? I mean, she's been kind and generous to every kid who's crossed her doorstep throughout the series' history. Why not Chuckie? It's unlike the character they've established. I don't like new Sheila.

I don't get all the Steve/Jimmy hate. So he lied about who he really is… it should be painfully obvious after meeting his family why he did. Fiona herself has assumed different identities, for less noble reasons, and I think it's safe to assume she understands and forgives the guy. Still, I was kind of meh about him

Remembering how funny the Simpsons used to be makes me sad for the last time I watched that show, about a year or so ago. What the hell happened?