
Wow! Is your superpower being an inhuman douchebag?


I really enjoyed this movie in the theatre and plan to watch it again (as well as re-reading All-Star Superman) before going to see Man of Steel. I can understand why a lot of the audience would want more action and it would have benefited from a bit more, but I think the author is right to argue for a beautiful

AppleJill, hyperbole does not belittle words, even misunderstanding their denotations or connotations does not really belittle them, but limiting or legislating them does. You do not get to tell someone they shouldn't use the word or concept, and it doesn't matter what your experience or circumstances happen to be.

What does Erin Mcgathy have to do with this? Other than giving you an excuse to be a judgmental cunt?

During the Harmontown episode that these quotes came from, Harmon told the story of how his father's advice to him was not to STFU and play nice if you wanted to be happy or keep your integrity. Not related to the Community discussion in the episode, but I thought it was interesting that you chose those words.

Personally I think telling someone to "shut the fuck up" if you have no idea how, why, or exactly what he said is problematic…even if you did have the information, actually. I have a lot of problems with "Don't talk about rape" too. To each their own though; at least you're reasonably civil about it.