Larry Indiana

What is this nonsense


Yes! The whole point of Inception is that catharsis is real, even if the story isn't.

Sue Ellen Mischke and "They're spectacular" in the same episode? Be still my Seinfeld-lovin' heart.

It's actually bonkers to me that the Virtua Fighter series has been fallow for so long, especially with how pro competitive gaming has exploded in the past few years. That was a game you had to be GOOD at to really succeed.

I would give up a kidney for even a straight port of Dragon Force.

(to the tune of "Stand By Your Man")
Ah ahm not dead
This is how rumors get started
Shut up bitch

My entire theory hinges on that line.

Well my name is Rappin' Rabbit and I'm here to say
It's fun to rap in a Kickstarter-funded way

Hot Fuzz is secretly the best of the Muppet movies.Nick=Kermit Danny=Fozzie

The mailbox was Halderman!

I would always get this guy mixed up with Stacy Keach.

Is he still a conservative? Would that do it?


Hey, i remember this guy. What happen to Kate Micucci?

Not enuf sideboob

Oh great, this again.

Kids these days.

Apparently it's "wave". Glad to see I'm not the only one that read it wrong.

I have no clue what any of this means. I thought "vaporware" was a video game, a console, or a peripheral that was publicly marketed and hyped up but ultimately never released as a commercial product.