Larry Indiana


"mild to wild"?

Garth Ennis did a Shadow book?!

When I would play Soul Calibur with my buddy Greg, we would often talk trash to each other in character as the characters we were playing as. So I would be playing as the caveman Rock, and he'd be playing as the busty ninja Taki, and I would be all [caveman voice] "If Rock beat Taki in battle, Rock marry Taki. But if

You forgot the giant penguin.

Wait so in the DCAU Bewitched scenario, who would Doctor Bombay be?

Holy shit, Young Avengers is "YA" fiction

Eh, just looks like Steve Dillon's artwork only with more dynamic camera angles and less hatching.

Apparently yes.

more DVD reviews please

If they are casting younger guys for Strange then I vote for Kit Harrington.

I prefer Craig Robinson's rendition.

More DVD reviews please

Comics and cartoons are different things.

in a bit.

I am certain that fanfic exists of that scenario

Not so! Anime fans do that as well!

I'll say this for bronies—they aren't ashamed of the fact that they are grown men who want to have sex with cartoon horses.
