Larry Indiana

Prometheus killed that dream, methinks.

The D.P. is never, never from the same country as the film's country of origin.



I have nothing to add but it gladdens me there are so many people here that loved his films. Drunken Master II was my introduction and then I had to see everything. You could trace a direct line from the earliest originators of Shaolin kung-fu to this man. RIP Sifu.

This is one of those movies which you think you're one of the only people that loves it, or even knows about it, and then it plays at a repertory theater and you go and the joint is PACKED.

He was one of the good parts of that invention-of-the-vibrator movie.

You gave up pork.

I am a huge fan of White Zombie as well. It was always a staple of VHS bargain-bins but its really special and under-appreciated. Who cares of it's not 'scary'? I'm happy to settle for 'creepy'.

It def comes off more as a Cannon/Golan Globus joint than an American International cheapie.

True fact: Voicemail is the way to contact Bill Murray. It's true, I heard it on a commentary. Zombieland, I think.

That book rocks. Some damn sexy pinups in that mofo.

Can we get a .gif of the DeeDees slipping on the gumballs? That animation is a delight.

I smell a Red.

I haven't read Astro City since the Confessor/Altar Boy arc back in the 90's but seeing as how Saga is on hiatus I suppose I can slot in another monthly. Also the comic shop is blowing out that $125 Byrne Fantastic Four omnibus for $29.99, so I should really grab it before somebody else does.

Does he even have cancer anymore?
Because it's my understanding most people diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer don't live as long as this show has been on the air. Or is the timespan of the events of the show only a year or two?
I've only seen season one, but feel free to spoil me.

"Hot Mess: The Anna Nicole Smith Story"

Oh Mary Harron, what has happened to you?

Comic sans=no sale

oh no it hurts