Larry Indiana

Not much to get excited about—Marvel's gonna do diddly-squat with him, just like when they got Blade and The Punisher back. 

Nobody, nobody has ever rocked the shaggy-bangs-covering-her-eyes look as well as she did. I liked your style, Ms. Amphlett.

They actually own the print now, so they will likely show it again.

I saw DOCTOR WHO AND THE DALEKS at the Brattle Theater last night. That movie is a goddamned treasure. If you want to see pepperpot-shaped robots bickering with each other in glorious Technicolor for two hours have I got the film for you.


My dad gave me a book about this guy once. Thanks Dad!  It was okay.

His work wasn't finished yet. I hate, hate, hate this news.

TDKR voice can only be Peter Weller or Michael Ironside, there are no other options

Megaforce? Starring Barry Bostwick?

A victory for Upfish!!!

If I Love You Phillip Morris was any indication, his face is rapidly morphing into Jeffrey Combs's.

Indeed. Most Seattleites wish Phoenix Jones would just go the fuck away.

And it's nice to not have to look at ads for Red Baron Pizza and whatnot as I'm trying to get my Daredevil on.

The Asylum is all over this one

Johnny Test is the fucking worst.

Val Kilmer for M.O.D.O.K.!

I am the quaffer of flagons! Where are my flagons?!

"Iron Men?" The proper term is "Iron Mans".

I too am almost positive I've seen this. But you'd think I'd be more sure of something like that. I have to stop drinking.