The Alpher and the Omegger

Ah, "they screwed your girfriend / mom / sister."

I would listen to a Bobbie Gentry fart on repeat for hours rather than listen to any modern country!

"They’re just so calculated and a weird little facsimile of what a rock band could be."
Replace "rock band" with "punk band," and you've got my exact feelings on Pissed Jeans.

As much as I dislike most of your comment, I will agree that he blew his chance BIG TIME.  I really felt sorry for him after that performance.

Oh, ho, ho!  Let us not forget "Bob Ferrari" from The Pink Spiders!  Remember The Pink Spiders?  Yeah.  They used to be a thing.

…you mean the Bruno Mars tribute, right?

I'll second that, you creepy dummy.
(I really hate ventriloquist dummies, by the way.  That took a lot of courage for me.)

Can someone start a petition to ban Zooey Deschanel from ever appearing on The Simpsons again?  Is that the only way we can end the madness and her horrible, horrible songs?  WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

No… you're right. This is a second-rate review site.  Just sit back and enjoy the ride like the rest of us.  Who knows?  Someday maybe some unknown podcaster may come along and read your comment on the "air" and follow it with a slide whistle! Oh, what fun that will be!

Just keep exploring your feelings.  At first you'll feel a little queasy, then slightly interested, maybe a sudden sense of ecstasy, a sharp shudder, then a sense of satisfaction… and a sleepy sensation.  I have to warn you, that sleepy sensation also comes with guilt from being so "accepting" of Bieber's abs.  Don't

Hurumph.  The only solution is, clearly, to strip naked and screw each other to prevent Justin Bieber from ever hosting SNL in the first place.  Better get to it then….

Wait… you do mean the word "hammerpants," right?

…the funniest thing I've read in these comments. I can't like your comment hard enough, but my mouse wishes I'd stop trying!

Damn.  I'm going to conceed this one to you, cub.  If I only knew enough French to work "glice" into "Zou Bisou Bisou," my little cabbage.

I… I… don't want to think about his underwear.  Not until I have a few beers in me, at least.  Then, just maybe… if there's no girls around. 

You and me… we make a great team.

Hey look, it's the 50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001th GLICE post!

Glice - it's delicate, but potent. Teddy told me that in Greek,
"glice" literally means "the pain from an old wound." It's a twinge
in your heart far more powerful than memory alone. Glice isn't a
spaceship, it's a time machine. It goes backwards, and forwards… it
takes us to a place where we ache to go again. It's

I've often thought about doing the same thing with comments that mention "Dawes."

…so much tedium to prove a point that isn't really there, McCheese.  In the meantime, Grimace is stealing shakes and Hamburgler is getting away with half the shop.  You're falling down on the job, Mayor.