The Alpher and the Omegger

"Gay for Danzig"
My band's new name.

cool story bro

cool story bro

E.M.I !

You had a Pinto?  Lucky duck!  We had a '73 AMC Hornet.

I still can't listen to the UK version of Rubber Soul.  I was very upset that the CD didn't match the 8-track version I had as a kid when I bought it.  When I got a CD recorder in the late-90s, I made my own US-version CD. 

What do you mean?  That was the day 'ol "Jimmy One-Arm" finally fit in with the two-armed crowd….

You know, people really shouldn't diss the Monkees.  They recorded a lot of songs that were written by really outstanding songwriters, and did a pretty good job of it as well.

People who can listen to "Kid A" all the way through also deserve to be punched in the face every minute on the minute forever.

I'll give you this, cub.  You made me spit out my morning coffee with a giggle.  I wouldn't be surprised if some obscure punk band has recorded and released an EP called *holds back vomit*.

"one of the definitive records of the "post-grunge" era"

"one of the definitive records of the "post-grunge" era"

I had a friend when this came out who wouldn't stop playing "1979," and I got so sick of it, I never picked up the album at all.  To this day, the only two songs from this album I've heard are "1979" and "Bullet…" and that's because I picked up the 45 a few years ago.

I had a friend when this came out who wouldn't stop playing "1979," and I got so sick of it, I never picked up the album at all.  To this day, the only two songs from this album I've heard are "1979" and "Bullet…" and that's because I picked up the 45 a few years ago.

…you can still find store brand Twinkies.  Poison by any other name is still poison. 

…you can still find store brand Twinkies.  Poison by any other name is still poison. 

March 3rd in China.

"Fucking children?"


Probably means he's an idiot.