The Alpher and the Omegger

No, Pat's version was a cover of Little Richard's original.


I'm rappin, I'm rappin, I'm rap rap rappin, I'm rappin, I'm rappin, I'm
rappety-rappin, I'm rappin, I'm rappin, I'm rap rap rappin, I'm rap rap
rap rap rap rap rappin.

May you be blessed with the gay son you deserve.

Back in 1991, where it belongs.


*holds back vomit*

…how topical.

…then you probably need to train a little harder, hon.

"one that hipsters never acquired"
Haven't been around many hipsters, have you?

"one that hipsters never acquired"
Haven't been around many hipsters, have you?


That pretty much sums up the mentality of most of the people I've met who liked this band.

"The Whoever Whatever was a good band that put out a lot of music of variable quality."

The good people at Fox & Friends do know how Britain turned out, right?

There was no delay.

Mike Judge.  I swear, the man has seen the future, and it's not good.

People can change in 20 years.  You know, they can become productive, sociable members of society.  However, in the case of most Simpsons fans,  it's not bloody likely to happen. 


…flupid florapope.