The Alpher and the Omegger

Definitely the Disney-obsessed Christian.

Speaking of Canadian stereotypes and making fun of the vocabulary, was there any mention of "fries and gravy" in Wheels of Ontario?  I watched it, but can't remember.  I'd be disappointed if there wasn't.

"American Idol" is still on TV?  Huh.  Whaddayaknowaboutthat.  Moving along now….

My local dive bar shows nothing BUT Adult Swim.

Yeah, my friend who lives in Brooklyn DEMANDS Sonic when he comes back home. Home being in the south… where every town with at lest 1,000 people has a Sonic.

Boy, does he EVER.  He's never taken responsibility for any of his failures, instead choosing to blame everyone but himself.

His name wasn't "Dustin," was it?

You know, you could have watched some paint dry.

You know, you could have watched some paint dry.

I'm100% done with this show, no doubt.

No. Considering it stars Anthony Anderson, it a show about rapists.

No. Considering it stars Anthony Anderson, it a show about rapists.

TroyandAbediTM, you completely missed the point of my post.

You know what, let me put my previous comment in a context that Family Guy fans can comprehend:

I obviously get the reference to my fellow AV Club commentator, ElDan and DrFlimFlam….  I just hate being lumped into the same category as a gimmick poster, as I grew up  listening to these bands when they were fresh on the scene, and started collecting vinyl long before it was hip.  I have never donned a pork pie

I say start at the beginning with "Fountains of Wayne," and work your way forward.  You'll find a lot of interesting stuff on their debut release.  "You Curse At Girls," "Radiation Vibe," "Sink To The Bottom," "Please Don't Rock Me Tonight," and "Everything's Ruined."  If you're a vinyl nut like me, the reissue has

That as well, idiotking.
(By the way, it comforts me to know that the proclaimed king of idiots is a queer-o-sexual.  I'll sleep better tonight knowing we have all the bases covered.)