The Alpher and the Omegger

Hell… I'm gay, and I thrive on 'Gay Panic' jokes.  It's the only way I can break the ice with most ignorant straight people!  ¡VIVA LA GAY PANIC!

…thanks for the advice.  I'll remember that the next time I'm telling my 9/11 jokes in line for the TSA at the airport.

In that case, please watch "Amadeus," and you'll see where I'm coming from.

No, we call it a "handshake."  I'm not even joking.

It's Seth MacFarlane.

That made me laugh extremely hard.  Tina's lines are always so far out in left-field, and the deadpan delivery works so well for me.  I consider loving the character to be a guilty pleasure.

They most certainly have done "Amadeus" before… in the episode "It Takes a Village Idiot, and I Married One."

"Tina has easily the best line of any of the kids tonight."

Well… no wonder my ass hurts so much.  And here I thought it was from all that gay sex.

"They tried something different, big deal!"
Wait… you really think they haven't parodied "Little Shop of Horrors" and "Amadeus" before?  Have you not ever seen this show?

This was nowhere near as good as "Road to Rhode Island," or any of the "Road" episodes.  Really, it's like a cheap knock-off of the "Road" episodes.

The lack of replies a to a comment that proudly proclaims "gang way," as if it will completely take over the rest of this comment page, made me laugh more than this Family Guy episode!

Fitting, since Terry Gilliam is my least favorite member of Python.

A-fuckin'-men!  If this episode was an A- quality episode, then I shit gold bricks and have literally flushed a goldmine down the toilet throughout my life.

I will be so damn happy when the writers of this show get over the
giggles and realize that their "Little Shop of Horrors" and "Amadeus"
jokes / references AREN'T FUCKING FUNNY.  Seriously, are these the only
two DVDs they have in the writer's room (aside from piles of "Star Wars" boxed sets) to draw references from? 

FINALLY.  A comment that just gets straight to the fucking point.

Disregard this post. I honestly thought this show used a laugh track. Oh god… it doesn't. I am in shock.

Can't I listen to good music like everyone else?  Sorry I didn't spend my weekend listening to that Bruno Mars abortion of blandness….

Well, being one of the last letters in the alphabet… I believe it's still just young and a little confused.  It'll come around one day.

Matt and Trey are far behind Matt and Trey these days.