Wolf Eyes Cody

It's great at blending relationships, the path of the Civil War, nuclear holocaust, Burt Reynolds, and a couple other things.

Dear Zachary,

At some point, I listened to some fucked-up 911 calls and that was a mistake.

I think that was just for the trailer, they were gonna re-purpose WTC for a Green Goblin/Spiderman fight, I think.

And also Men in Black 2. It basically cut the running time of that movie down to like 90 minutes.

I thought the "no plane theory" only applied to the Pentagon, because no footage and seemingly no wreckage and no bodies recovered.

Can't believe nobody has mentioned "Dear Zachary" yet!

I think at the end he shows up to an event she's at, like he's Michael Moore going after Roger Smith, and he gets within shouting distance of her, I believe, but her security pretty much shuts him down. So there's no thrilling climax, just a wet fart in the ocean.

The priest thing always weirds me out too.

Yeah, and he had a dirty program that had digital penises or something.

Well, a camera is always in front of his face, so probably not.

Yeah, it gets better after he gets out of that apartment.

If you can stand McElwee, I like some of his other docs. They're all personal in nature.

Every other day on the news (that's generous), there's a new story about an adult who was somehow able to have unsupervised care of multiple children.

Kurt & Courtney is pretty hilarious. I moved into a new apartment once and the previous guy had a few burned DVDs that had slipped down behind a dresser. It was Kurt & Courtney, a Carlin special, and some disc of Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

"So I guess a thank you is in order."
-The Dad

Can you blame them?

Just don't let him direct any episodes.

Daft Following

I was a big fan of F+B's "The Clap", because it geniusly blends a Moog synth with mariachi music.