The Louvre Guru

Gonna have to go with awesome!

A better than average police show. Once you get past the fact that the show is set in Sweden and everyone speaks with an english accent you can enjoy the performances (Kenneth Branagh plays a great cop! Very Rebus-like) the cinematography and the cases. I'm not a big fan of cop shows, so many of them follow

DIE! It doesn't have to be in a canceraids fire but you just need to go die somewhere. Preferably alone and crying.

Not exactly a celebrity but NBA player Quincy Douby of the Toronto Raptors has a unibrow that rivals the greats.

Observe and Report
Anyone see this movie? I'm in the UK and it opens soon, is it worth my while?

Excellent french!


I can tell before even wasting my time…
…that Marley & Me is a piece of shite.

"You are TEARING me APART Lisa!"

This is truly sad and unfortunate. From different reports that I've read she seemed fine directly after the accident until about an hour later when things started to take a turn for the worse. I also read that her son was with her when it happened which is terrible.

Wow! I generally wish canceraids on people like you but this was kind of top-notch!

I loved him in The West Wing, he had a real way with fast-talking slick characters. I think part of it was his goatee in relation to his expensive looking haircut paired with his designer suits that gave him a nice sleazy edge and that showed through in most of his characters.

I wasn't a fan of this show until the episode where Walt kills Krazy 8. That was when I started to get a feel for what this show was aiming for. That being said, I think the first two episodes of this season have blown me away with their intensity and I'm starting to think that this show is the best on television.