
Not just the Dothraki plotline, but Dany's plotline in general is a metaphor for colonialism, yes. But how did you get from there to it being an endorsement of it?

Could we just take a moment to acknowledge how insanely hot Holden is?

Ugh. Tried watching it, but couldn't remember a single thing from last season other than that the skinny Harry Potter guy became kinda cute.

Cogé Ted.


I just realized. There is going to be a day next fall when THIRTEEN new episodes of Community just come out. All at once.


Was rooting for Samantha Bee.

Stop listing episodes I can't stand it

I said la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la la la la la la laaa

If Hulu does a season, there is going to be a day next year with 13 unwatched episodes of Community. Straws, people, grab them.

Damn, way to twist the dagger.

No, it's fine. This is fine. I'm fine.

The book excerpt, just for reference's sake:

The second time she says "daeri (free)", she makes a Captain Janeway face.

Oh, the shitloads of weirdly pro-rape people did not escape me. And I can guarantee you that there's a sick fuck jerking off to this scene as we type. What I'm having issues with isn't a general political and ethical discussion on rape. It is just your presumption that this is supposed to be a general political and

See, this is a discussion I can get behind. On the one hand, you think that adding "the threat of sexual violation and rape" somehow ethically compromises the episode. I think that ignoring the sexual threat to women specifically that comes as a corollary to the monarchic patriarchal system of Westeros would ethically

Could someone explain to me the parameters of this discussion? Are we saying that GoT is a moralistic tale that glorifies rape or are we just going for the throat and saying Martin, Benioff, Weiss and Graves are accidental rape-mongers? And whichever it is, are we trying to figure out "the truth" of the situation by

Best part of the episode: Tywin decides to have the sex talk with Tommen during his brother's wake. <3