Special Patrol Group

While we have him on the line
Ask him if he's black in the afterlife.

Well, she's catholic. I just don't see catholic priests ending sermons with a reminder to check out Angel Time. Evangelicals on the other hand have no problems with product placement. In fact I'm sure they just bussed the flock over to whatever cineplex was showing Fireproof every Sunday.

Let's be fair. She didn't cover Lestat in body glitter. It took another Jesus freak to do that.

Whither goest thou, David Caruso?

I'm sorry, what were you saying? I was too busy making out with my Marilyn Mon-robot.

I'm sorry but it looks like these people couldn't decide if they wanted to remake Sliding Doors or Eagle Eye so they just said 'fuck it' and remade both.

That bear is one outrageous dude. He's totally in my face!

Jim Belushi

Jamie Foxx is the auto-tune Yngwie Malmsteen.

When the last remnants of mankind tries to claw its way out of the ashes of Ragnarok, Jim Belushi will be standing there waiting to delight them with underarm noises.

Every time this band puts out another shitty album I go back and reassess Pinkerton and I like it less every time. Its a mopey teenager's diary tarted up with catchy hooks. By far their best album but look at the utter dreck we have to compare it to.

Oh my! A skeleton? With a BEARD? Dunham, you madman!

I agree. The last 30 seconds ruined that movie for me. Until she crawled out of the TV the movie had me. Granted, I've never seen Ringu but if the ending is the same I won't bother.

Noodling around on my guitar
I'm not one to rush things. If dicking around on their porches gets me a third season as good as the last one then so be it. I can wait.

I can tell you right now how this movie ends. He gets his legs back all right. Blue cartoon legs! I bet dollars to donuts he keeps the blue cat-person body and lives with the natives at the end.

Not to mention how hard Joe Jackson had to beat him to get those early performances out of him. You think beatings like that come easy? He hit him so hard parts of him stopped being black.

Seriously, who the hell wants to go back and listen to Dangerous? And off the top of your head, can anyone name one single from HIStory? I had to look it up and the only one that even rings a bell is Scream. And that was only noteworthy because he sang with Janet.

Jets to Brazil
I must have listed to Orange Rhyming Dictionary start to finish like ten times from Sacramento to Chicago in 98. Thats always going to be my road trip album until I die.

I'm changing my name to Rico Airlines.

Even if it doesn't live up to expectations there is no way this is going to be a bad movie.