Special Patrol Group

Love is Nick Cannon being there to hold your purse at video shoots, movie premieres, etc.

Whatever she wants?
Thats scary because that Wisegirls sequel could totally happen.

Tyler Perry's Approximation of a Hemorrhoid Removal with No Local Anesthesia Starring Tyler Perry.

A quick peek at Chris Rock's IMDB page says he's not really that much better than this. In fact he's pretty reliable at popping up in shit movies. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back? The Longest Yard?

You paid five bucks for an off-brand Marx Brothers movie. But Jon Turturro is funny in it so five bucks well spent.

Precious: Based on a conversation between Bianca Jagger and Paul Lynde one night at Studio 54 in which many things are revealed yet, ultimately, nothing is resolved.

If Maurice Lamarche is to be believed, Bill Murray got Lorenzo Music fired from that job because he sounded too much like Garfield. He was later replaced by Dave Coulier.

I'd imagine much of the technology was part of their research at Columbia. They discuss going into business for themselves after they get canned. Then they sell Dan Ackroyd's grandparent's house for seed money. Or something, I don't remember. What do you want, a training montage?

This or those talking mannequins
One commercial has to be more annoying but they both make me put my fist through drywall.

Its not too late to reference Master Billy Quizboy.

Yeah, I watched that clip. Its superb. I have no idea how you keep drawing comparisons to Xena. Is it the way Pullo invokes Mars? How the hell else do you speak to a god other than a grandiose way.

The title sequence highlights the styles of graffiti that was prevalent in ancient Rome. The same graffiti figures into the plots of several episodes. Its another example of how richly detailed this series was.

I'm sorry I told you to suck it. You don't have to suck it if you don't want to.

*sigh* "Decade" is not an abstract term, its actually very specific. And I see where you guys are coming from. Sure you can take the term and apply it to whichever years you want but when you label it "the '00s" then you're talking abut a specific decade. And the decade we're talking about started in 2001 and

Its not aspy(?) or ultra left brained. Its the fucking DEFINITION of DECADE. And the point I'm trying to make is that since the entirety of Freaks and Geeks aired in the 90's it doesn't belong on this list.

Yes, 1990 was the last year of the 80's. I know its confusing because you see the 9 there but thats how it works. The first decade was the years 1 through 10 and the next decade started with 11.

I swear you must be thinking of some other show. Ciaran Hinds was amazing as Caesar. Anyone cast has Caesar could easily take it as a license to gnaw on scenery but his performance was amazingly understated.

I'm sorry but decades don't work that way. The 20th century ended on December 31st 2000 and so did the 90's. Freaks and Geeks aired in the 90's.

Seeing how it wasn't a show about fucking clairvoyants I'll assume you meant "pretentious". Also, shush. The adults are speaking.

You're right, Brendon Smalls should do the same thing always, all the time. Trying new things is overrated bullshit.