
According to the Boston Police Commissioner there is no suspect or anyone in custody. NY Post I believe originally posted that story. So grain of salt and all.

Matt Dominguez, Justin Maxwell, and Chris Carter would start for a lot of teams.

I thought it was Bobby Kennedy that signed off on the King wiretaps/bugs?

I thought it was Bobby Kennedy that signed off on the King wiretaps/bugs?

I sorta feel like 'Trapped Ashes' is a much better film than V/H/S, the wraparound at least makes sense and it's the only movie I know of that has blood-sucking fake boobs.

I sorta feel like 'Trapped Ashes' is a much better film than V/H/S, the wraparound at least makes sense and it's the only movie I know of that has blood-sucking fake boobs.

You should more carefully chew your pretzels?

You should more carefully chew your pretzels?

I'm pretty sure the actor in West's short and AHWTD (he's the guy who SPOILERS played the nice guy who ended up not being so nice, right?) also directed the Skype/What-the-fuck-was-that-in-her-back short.

I'm pretty sure the actor in West's short and AHWTD (he's the guy who SPOILERS played the nice guy who ended up not being so nice, right?) also directed the Skype/What-the-fuck-was-that-in-her-back short.

Yeah but it had an autograph and a cool cover, and I think it's gonna be worth money someday!

Yeah I've never really followed comics before (too lazy/poor) but I was really interested in seeing a comic set in the city I've lived near my entire life, and when I went to the local comic book store they were already sold out so I had to buy the variant, signed issue for 30 bucks.


It's been awhile since I've seen them but I remember a lot of the F13 sequels being better than the original. Especially the one where Jason get brought back to life via lightning (I think it's the 6th). That's a fun damn movie

What's awesome about Woven Hand is that the black metal band Marduk covered one of his songs. And if you don't know Marduk is the band that has an album called "Fuck Me Jesus", and the cover depicts a woman inserting a crucifix into her ass.

Hey man Trouble and Tourniquet fuckin' ruled. 

more like the nail in the coffin of metalcore.

yeah Slint pretty huge influence on emo just lisen to Indian Summer, Maximillian Colby, Frodus, Roadside Monument, City of Caterpillar, and so on.