
Ricky Springfield! He's a buddy of mine!

His wife is in a coma.

I do not like this album. What do you think of this album?

Is Black Widow even Russian in new continuity? I can't stay awake during Marvel movies.

This isn't solely about the Manhattan Project. It treats the group more like a cross between the X-Files and Men in Black. It's a lot of fun. Robot FDR!

Not exactly keeping with the non-fiction thread here, but if you're interested in types like that and comics, check out Manhattan Projects. Off the wall sci-fi starring Feynman, Einstein, Fermi, von Braun. It's smartly and sort of divinely written. Probably my favorite monthly book coming out right now.

Oh most definitely.

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Requiem for a Thursday. THANK YOU.

My mother is a C-.

Surprised no one (but me, of course) has pointed out the excellent Life Aquatic nod when Gene is showing the kids around the fort. Replete with faux Mark Mothersbaugh.

"Used to"

I like this band. And it's pretty evident they like Pavement. I also like Pavement.

What happened to you, Mark Millar? You used to be cool.

Along with the kneecap, the gut is the most painful area a guy can get shot in. But it takes a long time to die from it. I'm talking days. You're going to wish you were dead, but it takes days to die from your wound. Time is on your side.

…I liked that show.

Lagavulin tastes like sharpies to me. I don't think I'm old enough for single malt.

This is the most blatant case of fraudulent advertising since my suit against
the film, "The Never-Ending Story".

What, the Baby Gene shorts? Yo quiero leche!

Just as long as the cinematography is moody. Bam, you're set.