Inverse Beef Wellington Bell

and facebook's a battlefield.

Randomia, you nation of folks,

I watch Norton all the time but I purposely skipped that one.
…oh great, Zac Efron's on this week.

The Life Neurotic:  You had the world's coolest parents.

It is apparently dog, and I see no reason to check!

Betelnuts! Betelnuts! Betelnuts!

wax vaginas! a humorous substitute for your own vagina!

That was great.  Unusual song choice for ISIHAC.

I didn't realize you wrote such bloody awful poetry.

Aw, just shaddap and gimme a frogurt!

Hence his use of the word "essentially".

and jacob.

Was he too old by 1984?

Clu Gulager

It would, but then she'll have to add fifty pouches to her clothing and have her feet removed.

It's a cybersteampunk space opera ripped from tomorrow's headlines, in the grand tradition of J.R.R. Tolkien.

It's going to take at least three more books to find out where the whores go.

Tell the Milk Hotel "Hello".

1) Mars Audiac Quintet
2) Dots And Loops
3) Emperor Tomato Ketchup
4) The First Of The Microbe Hunters
5) Margerine Eclipse

Hey, according to Howard Chaykin, we'd be living in moonbases and Marsbases by then (or the uber-elite would, anyway).