
Nah, that's a solid A from me. Person has always been about the long game, the slow burn and the creeping dread. This showed us the old world one last time before a sexy glimpse at the new. Root is the new boss, which is wonderful. Other reasons:

Goddammit, Remus! I knew you were a giant freak.

I saw another male saucebot wearing a chainmail vest during the raid on the club. So that's two. I wouldn't necessarily blame the makers for going the obvious route. Doesn't this go out on Fox? They have a certain standard to uphold.

Oh, and next time I get into a verbal altercation with someone, the words "Oh yeah? Well, scan my balls" will be mandatory.

Unlike the new AV Club redesign, I actually quite like this show (BOOM!). But there's one major flaw that's really bugging me - the robocops. They're shite. And so it makes no sense that this so-far perfect model Dorian was replaced by something that appears to have been programmed to be an arsehole. I get that they

I do not like this redesign. Please put me down as a 'no, thank you', if someone is compiling a list.

Here's how I think this happened - Joss Whedon is secretly a degenerate gambler.

I just figured all the Agents were so blatantly agent-y that they would all speak Cantonese (and everything else) by default. But also, totally forgot that scene.

Ah. Four live-action Marvel series exclusive to Netflix just got announced. So THAT's the strategy, is it? I figured they wouldn't pull a move like that until a bit later. Potentially good news in the long run, but doesn't mean they even need to make SHIELD that interesting any more. Interesting.

Apologies, didn't do my homework.

That's right, Gristle McThornbody hisself.

Random thoughts on the characters - most of who are still not important enough to remember, so I have assigned them new names:

Yep, Robson and Gerome had the biggest selling British album of 1995, which really puts the whole 'Britpop' thing into perspective.