
This season has taken place at very compressed time frame so low kill ratio makes sense.

Gilmore Girls S7 never manage to get Pallafino's voice, but as far as plot goes it does a very decent job of serving everyone (save from Lane, the stuff with Lane is just plain weird when one knows they knew series was not being pick up for S8).

It is a Jess Franco movie and multiple Jess Franco movies have alternate porn cuts, so yes there is reason to think that.

Very doubtful. He was announced in January (at a point this episode might or not had been shot and was likely already written), but lead role in a show like American Gods is usually a rather long casting process. Gaiman's press release even mentions Whittle auditions been great making clear he did multiple ones. I'd

That scene didn't work at all and felt out of place but the idea was to point out people was so glued to their TVs that pizza delivery reportedly beat records that day (although it was Dominos and not Pizza Hut that was associated with it).

There is quite a long list of people who complete squandered oscar boost after noms/wins. I suspect Gooding Jrstand out because his win came after half decade of good woek and he was a guy people liked so many assumed the Oscars would help move him as the next Black star and it went the opposite way.

World Cup actually started the same day.

The problem is that the column seems predicted in the idea of going yearly so the early he starts the more columns he would have to write. Personally I'd use North by Northwest as introduction than jump to Dr No in 1962 as the first regular column and go from there. Once Upon a Time in West might not exactly be

That legend is untrue and is easy debunked by looking at studio files. Among the eight Welles studio projects (Kane, Journey Into Fear, Ambersons, It's All True, The Stranger, Lady from Shanghai, MacBeth and Touch of Evil), only It's All True and Journey Into Fear (which he only produced) can be said to go serious

Most consistent relationship on the show (with possible exception of Adama-Tigh).

One of the most unusual things about The Good Wife is that it really doesn't follow regular TV structure. It doesn't care much for season long arcs adding and ending plots as it seems fit. That can be very refreshing (even the big prestige cable shows are mostly rather formulaic when it comes to how their seasons are

Also suspect this reminder of how weird and transaction like their relationship is was in the episode to help setup Cary pushing Kalinda into a position where she has to decide weather or not to show some loyality to their relationship next week (which would tie up nicely to how she threw him and Alicia under the bus

My take on the Cary-Kalinda scene is that Cary is fully aware Kalinda uses sex to get people to do/tell things for her (that's also why he told Alicia he was seeing her early in the season) and was just telling Kalinda he would stop telling her Florick-Argos stuff and of course in the next Kalinda scene she knows Jill

If Stefan is allowed to go on his Ripper rampage and remain a romantic option I'm sure same is true for Damon. TVD morality is so out of place if someone tells me Damon murdering Aaron ends being used as a way for Elena to show Damon she can look past all the despicable things his done and remain in love with him, my

This felt like the reverse of last season. Season 5 has probably the best run of episodes the show ever had, but doesn't really land that strong and cohear as well as one might hope. While season 6 has probably has the least amount of memorable episodes Mad Men ever had (the MLK one and the final two are what I will

I'd guess next season's episode 9 will be centered around Tyrion trial (and the trial by combat is actually a pretty good closing scene). I'd assume the battle has to happen a bit earlier in the season bequse there's way too much plot in the election and Stannis presence in thewall after it to fit in a single episode.

There's some good actors, but I really don't think there's any reason to someone that knows Sling & Arrows to look for it. It is just a hack that has enough power to get something he likes remade and doesn't even have much an idea why outside that "I like it".

Much worse. Ned died pretty much because he tried to save three innocent children (one of which was Joffrey, but well stupid Ned Stark…), Robb died because he backpedal on a political treaty for a hot girl. From Walder Freys perspective Robb is a backstabbing politician, we know him enough to think that is unfair, but

One important point: the Widlings are nearly ready to attack the Wall, so it makes some sense that as soon as Jon cover is blown he would run there to warn the Black Watch before it is too late (same reason why he couldn't bring Ygritte with him even if he want it).

Definitely. I thought it was good touch that they had the Yukai envoy that meet Danaerys on episode 8 making a point that she couldn't touch him because he was her guest.