Someone Think of the Children


Screw you NBC.  First Bent, now this.

Like running a walrus through a touch car wash.

By continuing to breath - yes.

I believe you have to be certified before you can practice.

I thought he said 'this' much.

I find this show quite humorous but the lack of a breast above an A cup (see the multitude of bras in this week's ep) disappoints me immensely.

No - don't!

Way to focus on the negative.

Way to focus on the negative.

I don't think they'll need multiple backloaders to lower LiLo's coffin.

The terrorists already won based on the crap sentence you attempted right there.


Chipwrecked bitch.

Isn't everything better than those?

Anti-troll weapon of choice?

Fail x2 for you!

She's still hot
Captain Obvious

No, he's not. Really.