
I never thought I'd see a list of good shows cancelled by Fox "too soon", and that it would not only exclude Firefly, but that it would take 13 hours for someone to point out that it excluded Firefly.

Never mind a worldwide collapse of civilization. Even today, I think you'd be hard pressed to name a region suffering from severe depression and poverty where there isn't a religious or ethnic minority being violently oppressed. There are also already plenty of groups openly trying to destroy Israel.

The people who've turned their back on SHIELD are missing out, but to play devil's advocate, how many shows have you given up on after half a dozen unmemorable episodes (if not fewer)? And of those shows, how many do you regret giving up on? I gave up on Gotham last year, and haven't looked back, even though it's

"post-Walking Dead" sounds like a spoiler! Dammit! I have no intention of ever watching the Walking Dead but I'm furious anyways! What's next? Are you going to give away the startling twist ending to Safe Haven, the 2013 Nicholas Sparks movie starring Josh Duhamel and Julianne Hough?

Install a windshield wiper on your monitor. Works wonders.

He has a point.

Hopefully, we've gotten the wink-nudge story recycling out of our collective systems with Enterprise. And the fact that it's TV (or more precisely, internet) should get rid of the over-production problem.

I don't think the main plot with the Crowes was bad. But the Ava prison stuff was downright cringe-worthy. It's the only time I watched Justified and thought "I wish this would end". That makes it memorable, in the worst possible way, and I think drags down on how people remember the whole season.

I'd gamble that ABC wasn't the one who reduced the order on NBC's show. If people other than NBC could make NBC's programming decisions, they'd probably be in much better shape.

You've just reminded me of something I completely forgot, which is that Shia's character was actually named "Mutt". Because nothing says "suave action hero following in Indiana Jones' footsteps", quite like "Mutt". I can already imagine the next 007 reboot - the name's Bond. Mutt Bond. Christ what an ill-conceived

Yeah, I have no faith in a movie with Adam Sandler, Vanilla Ice, Rob Schneider, David Spade, and Taylor Lautner being any good, but I'd otherwise have much higher hopes for a movie with Norm MacDonald, Luke Wilson and Terry Crews.

"Well you do now! You're brilliant!"

Maybe it just gave him the idea that he'd look good in black. At least as believable as whatever it was that set off Anakin in the prequels to the point that it seemed like a good idea to slice and dice a room full of school children (I've only seen that terrible movie once, but that happened, didn't it?).

How much would it blow people's minds if Luke Skywalker was in the poster… as the guy in the back with the red light sabre. What if Luke, so broken up about losing papa Darth, actually did join the dark side? Wouldn't that be kind of amazing? I mean it's obviously not true, because it would require an unspeakable

I almost wish this episode was worse. That would have at least made it interesting to hate watch and come on here and complain about. But, alas, it had sparks of actual goodness, and an A plot that I sort of cared about. And next week I'll have nowhere to go to complain, since these reviews have stopped. So I guess

It's a line from Dodgeball. Upon further review, Simpsons did it first. Go figure.

But that line did not win a mention from our humble AV Club reviewer, so take the good with the bad.

He's a loose cannon, but he gets results, dammit!