
Although I have no particular interest in seeing actors' junk, the inequality of women constantly being asked to go nude, while guys skate free, does bother me.

Too little too late? Both systems are selling like hotcakes. And what has Sony done in the mean time? Xbox is crushing Sony on software. Sony's leading on better hardware, a better price (for a while anyways), and better marketing prior to launch. The knock against Microsoft has never been a lack of games or

I think it's definitely worth it to have at least one of the two systems. But the exclusives haven't lit the world on fire. I've had both for nearly a year, but have played literally zero games on my PS4. I like the Forza games and already have an Xbox Live account. Otherwise, it'd pretty much be a wash (PS4 has

The show deserves credit for how well it juggles 8 cast members. Look no further than True Detective Season 2 for evidence of how hard it can be to develop an ensemble of three.

Silly Flag On the Moon. You're forgetting that they were all born on August 8, 1988 at 8:88am (it's an extremely subtle Easter egg, that only those of us specially attuned to poorly written dialogue can notice). Having nine sensates wouldn't make any sense

Classic Poe!

I've never seen a zero comment AV Club thread before… It's lonely being first.

He'll explain tomorrow that he was just expressing his frustration with the obesity problem in the African American community. Does that not make any sense? Sure. But only if you think about it.

I'm just going to assume that the other 33 people who up-voted this are also named Will

When you say "the current age" - has there been any point in human history where there haven't been petty political squabbles?

I think the problem is that you only know an actor/director is republican because it taints their work. When it doesn't infect actors/directors performances, I think it's quite easy for people to overlook their politics (e.g. Tom Cruise being a scientologist). People don't want preachy entertainment. I don't think

Isn't this kind of on par with O'Reilly's "Fuck it, we'll do it live!" People found that mostly amusing. The only reason this isn't a lark is because we know the person Jon yelled at, and like him.

I could've sworn this was listed as a Sean O'Neal article when it was posted earlier.

This makes Gotham instantly better, and a show I'd consider starting to watch again. It solves two problems: (1) the lack of Michael Chiklis, and (2) makes Gordon seem less exhaustingly self-righteous, since he'll no longer be the only decent not-corrupt human being on the police force

It's easy to say in hindsight that Vince Vaughn being cast was a red flag. If I'm being honest, it didn't seem like a terrible idea to me at the time.

Commenting on up votes is an automatic down vote.

That's mainly what I have in mind. I don't think it's a mistake, either - I'm sure it's a choice (and not that they recorded the tracks separately, and then somebody in the mixing room went "shit! they're singing the chorus in a totally different pace and rhythm, what do we do?"). It's just a choice that goes against

I've seen this come up a couple of times. Why is the assumption that Ray actually killed the guy? My recollection was that Frank showed him a photo and said he knew the guy, Ray asked what the quid pro quo was, and then after giving a signal of silent approval, walked out. My reading of the scene was that Frank took

I tune in to hear the theme song. It's utterly ridiculous and technically terrible, but I'll be damned if it doesn't get stuck in my head.

Avatar-comment synergy!