
Methinks I'll be skipping straight ahead to your comments in the weeks to follow.  For a show I watch mostly for the light fun, you manage to tease out the deeper bits that make it more interesting.  Keep it up!

I think another amusing (or "amusing", I can't remember now) visual gag was Captain Picard Day (in "The Pegasus"). Picard + children = hilarity (?)

The upshot is that Mister Bieber is apparently okay with the gay. He did, after all, as has been noted, make his own personal choice to adopt the appearance of a lesbian.

I made my choice
While you're contemplating his words, don't forget to decide whether or not to be a homosexual.

Also a nice touch
When Tony came back to apologize to Sally, Josh hesitated to leave 'til Sally gave him an "I'm okay" nod… it's little character moments like this that help make the bond between the characters stick. And gives Josh something to do other than whine. He needs to work on that.


Unfortunately, you seem to have ruled out 90% of the content… hmmm.

She also made it into DS9 in a halfway decent episode.

And later on as the female Q in Voyager and an Andorian in Enterprise. Errr… well, let's just stick with TNG.

They are one pizza delivery boy away from a pretty decent porno. I don't think they'd have to change the title, depending on the casting.

Completely agree with the books. They even helped make some of the more ridiculous/implausible plot items slightly less ridiculous/more plausible. I'm pretty sure I remember some character explaining some behind-the-scenes stuff by blatantly saying to the crew: "Ha ha, that shit was so ridiculous, how could you

Soldier, Ask Not, Soldier, Tell Not.

Gay or European
I know it was mentioned last week, but I think we can definitely say that Gilroy is a bit of a 'mo.

I agree; it's nice to have a(nother) familiar face pop in. My question though: the badass witch who could kill someone by touching them or stabbing a doll of them had to hatch an over-elaborate scheme to kill Arthur? Uhh, and she couldn't rescue her own son in the first place? I think someone's been taking too many

Furthermore, I think it has been mentioned around these parts, Alan Dean Foster's writeups (they are a bit short to be called novelizations) of the ani-eps are pretty darned enjoyable.

For sure. Also, of course:
Mark Lenard > Ben Cross
Jane Wyatt > Winona Ryder
I'm no reboot hater, but both of the original actors had a lot more gravitas.

@Zach's 4:11… Oh. For sure I missed the big picture on your point. My bad.

Or more one of his observations: I thought the reason the people were treated equally and paid well was that Myron a) didn't give a damn as to race or ethnicity because all humans are the same to Skynet ('cept JC) and b) he wanted the job done quickly and was loaded from his robberies so, pay 'em extra as incentive.

The Gang Makes a Porno

"Please welcome Liiiiiz Lemooooon!"