
I know they are saving money by cutting Bravermans and have stories about Hank, Ruby, and Mrs. Hank, but I still feel cheated by the whole thing. Why couldn't the Hank storyline be a Camille/Jabbar storyline? They both appeared in the episode so they are already getting paid. And I am kind of ticked off that Victor

I was debating watching this or Growing Up Fisher last night, and I am so happy I chose this. This was a very enjoyable episode. Jackie killed it.

I didn't really buy the story, why would Tessa even be visiting Victor in middle school? But I did find the episode quite hilarious. Especially a couple parts mentioned in the stray observations like Victor not understanding the aptly named comment and Tessa being not sure if she should get the mason jar.

I'm hoping that Zeek told Victor what his plan was when they were working on it together. Zeek did say that it was the plan all along, so hopefully he filled Victor in early during the process.

I really enjoyed this episode but I feel Jasmine and Jabbar should at least have had a line of dialogue.I know this episode was overcrowded already, but if this was the series finale, I think they should have gotten a curtain call.

Agreed. That was my favorite scene in the episode. I kind of wish they explored the Zeke/Victor bonding a little more because I really enjoyed it the first time they worked on the car together as well.

I love this show. But I missed the season finale last night because I wasn't home. And now it isn't on demand yet and only can be watched on Hulu plus. So I want to read this review and join the discussion but I can't.

It's a sad world where this show is will get another season but Trophy Wife and The Neighbors won't.

I kind of groaned when Drew and Natalie got together. I don't really care about them at all as a couple…or individuals.

Agree completely. I really enjoy both of those shows but I am hoping that one of them will squeak by.

Love the Fanning line because the actor who plays Warren was in Super 8 with one of them. That was a nice reference.

Was Terri in it??? Was Terri in any episode past season 2? I need to know this.

Except he is rolling around with 4 hot babes: Sasha, Maggie, Tara, and Rosita

There was a storyline where I agreed with Sarah the entire time. I never thought I'd see the day.

Parenthood hasn't gotten one since 1999

This was an A episode for me. Sure, I talked through most of the Sarah stuff, I rolled my eyes at whatever Adam and Kristina were doing, and didn't really realize that Crosby had a subplot, but that Victor/Julia phone call at the end really got me. I thought it was one of the best scenes in the series. Great stuff. It

I felt really bad for Victor. He finally had some stability in his life, and now this happened. Of course I feel bad for Julia and Syd too.

I don't necessarily follow what video games the kids play, but it was fun seeing Nintendo on this show. I watched the Christmas episode at Christmas and saw he also had a DS at one point. It's funny, because I think I saw the actor on a Wii U commercial. I think it's Jabbar who is normally on Xbox.

Great news! I love NBC Thursday's 8 o'clock and 10 o'clock hour. But the 9 o'clock hour is so bad.

I'll take it!