
Wasn't there something about Troy taking an interest in air-conditioning?

Funnier if you have had a dog
Most people input personalities into their dogs and this show is all about that. Ryan is seeing what he wants/needs in Wilfred to fix himself or make himself feel better. Wilfred as more of a Tyler Durden character. The shows strengths are not it's ability to reinvent traditional

Rosanne would be too old huh?

Did you know?

Waking up from a cryogenic storage unit

Redheads are great!

House on the Rock
Let's all go to House on the Rock this weekend!

or will it?

So addicting! Who would think climbing up a wall would be so fun?

Ohh…I get it now. TOTAL RECALL…

yes. But when will they remake those Ernest *BLANK* movies?

Did you say Poochie?

YES! Finally. The two best Ernest movies out of DVD.

Kelsey Grammer

Good Luck
I've waited a long time for my avatar to be relevant. FALCOR AWAY!!!!

Great then worn out then good again?
Could there be an argument for pop culture that is great then becomes worn out only to become great again? Or this simply called "A Comeback"? Possible examples: Bob Dylan, Dr. Who, Batman. I'm sure there are more examples. I've always considered that my definition of LEGENDS.

I agree. This was the worst episode ever. Just awful. Couldn't believe I saw a B+ for a grade.

What about Testees?
This show is pretty fine. But what about Testees? Is it coming back or what? That show seriously was the best.

Wasn't this a Simpson's Episode?
Isn't this all strangely reminiscent of a Simpson's episode except with six kids instead of eight? I think AV club should do a list of times when pop culture has predicted the future.

Fart Tent
It's not a FART TENT!!!