Mrs. Peel

They suggest broiled fish instead, but it's just not the same :(

My family hosts a New Years Day Baconfest (on a much smaller scale) every year. The oven is definitely the way to go for cooking large quantities of bacon.

I prefer my film flammable, thankyouverymuch.

I want to go to there!

I LOVE their grains of paradise. I buy them in the bulk bag.

Yeah, if you cook everything at home, adding salt to it shouldn't be a problem for most people. Americans are mostly getting their massive daily amounts of salt from prepared/ frozen/ restaurant foods.*

I know it's hipstery, but the difference in flavor between a standard supermarket chicken and the expensive free range farm ones is really astounding. I got one in a CSA and roasted it, and it was a *million* times better than any chicken I've ever had before.

I buy the huge bags of pepper from the Spice House, I go through it fast! I put lashings of black pepper on basically everything.

My mom (who's a nurse) says that happens quite often— a lot of people really do hang on when there's something or someone in particular they're waiting for. Even if they don't seem outwardly conscious of what's going on.

I'm dying to buy some spices now, if it's possible to set up any links for those…

The Spice House has a nice looking "Basic Spices Deluxe Gift Box". I was thinking about getting one for my brother who graduated recently.

I might or might not be pricing flights to Wisconsin right now…

There's also a great BBC TV series called "The Spice Trail" (about the history of spices and how they're grown in the modern world), which is on YouTube.

I usually buy the PDO (protected designations of origin) brands when it comes to olive oil, which is supposedly more likely to be authentic and better quality. It certainly tastes good, anyway.

Oh God, I'm so hungry now :(

Your grandfather sounds like an amazing person! (I also had a very interesting and philosophical grandpa who loved poetry, so this piece made me quite teary-eyed).

I wonder if that's a genetic thing, like the cilantro? Interesting.

Most Americanized Chinese food contains massive amounts of sodium and sugar, which can certainly make people feel not good if consumed in huge quantities.

I think it's just the name that causes psychological hangups, because it sounds "sciency" and therefore scary to some people.

I recently started putting fairly vast quantities of MSG into everything (e.g., oyster sauce on vegetables), and that shit is DELICIOUS.