Mrs. Peel

I will never not be mad about that (quietly fumes)

I love Maldon, and I'm still using the box I bought from Wegmans almost two years ago. Definitely good value for money!

Texture makes a HUGE difference. I love Maldon sea salt (which comes in big, crunchy flakes) in certain recipes, where substituting something else would definitely not be as enjoyable for me.

I bought some fancy French sea salt (from the Spice House, as it happens), and it absolutely does taste different to me than standard table salt. Maybe it's all in my head, but it tastes more "oceany" in a way I can't quite describe.

WHOA, that's an amazing idea— I might try that this weekend! (Maybe with hazelnut coffee…)

There was a great BBC radio documentary about vanilla production on the Food Programme. It does sound *incredibly* labor-intensive:

Traditional British cooking is amazing, and it saddens me that it gets such a bad rap (though that's not *entirely* unjustified, considering the state of things years ago). I blame the extended period of rationing after WWII (lasting into the '50s), when a lot of people forgot how to cook.

I can't stand the modern Food Network shows, but I LOVE all the PBS cooking shows. Especially the old Julia Child and Jacques Pepin ones. Watching that man cut an onion is a thing of beauty…

I have a great recipe at home for Russian brown bread, which involves a bit of instant espresso, molasses, etc. SO good.

I buy my cinnamon from the Spice House, as it happens— they have the REAL STUFF (Cinnamomum verum) and it's mind-blowingly good. It has a much lighter and more citrus-y flavor than most grocery store cinnamon (which is usually cassia, a different species).

AAAAAAAAAH, I never made that connection before until you mentioned it. I thought he looked familiar!

This isn't a "free speech" issue- they're violating Twitter's own terms of service by posting abusive and racist statements.

True, though Trek is particularly notorious for using the same actors (of various backgrounds) over and over again in different roles— I imagine it's hard to find people who can emote through all that latex.

I was born in 1980, and I'm still confused about this.

Who can forget the time that Dorothy Parker called Robert E. Sherwood a "shitfuck lesbian"…

And the 30 Rock folks apparently liked him.

I'm willing to cut Grammer a little slack, since practically his entire family has died under horrifically tragic circumstances. That's got to fuck you up psychologically.

Same here! Great to see him back.

Former Clevelander here— glad everything is still standing, and I'm extremely grateful not to be working in Public Square anymore. (My former co-workers in the old BP tower were all allowed to work from home this week, to avoid the madness).

I suspect it's a busy time again for the ACLU! (I used to work at that particular branch— I hope they're getting some good donations this week).