Mrs. Peel

(shakes fist) They don't deserve our pierogies!!

Ugh, that sucks. The one bright spot of this was I hoped the good people of Cleveland could extract cash from these jagwads.

I couldn't bear to watch it— just followed along with the Twitter coverage. (Which I balanced out by watching Bob Ross paint friendly clouds on Netflix).

I used to work in one of those buildings, and those videos were very beloved there.


A very solid list!

I would watch this, TBH.

My favorite is the SNL fake ad for "Annuale" (the birth control you take once a year)—

So the more time I binge-watch Netflix episodes, the more time I ultimately save! It's a win-win.

"the average Netflix user watches 1.5 hours of content on the streaming service every day"

I'm convinced he actually married the hologram, and everyone's just too embarrassed to say anything about it.

And barnacles!

My biology professor told us that Darwin had a terrible gastrointestinal problem (possibly as a result of something he picked up in the Galapagos), which required him to be alone for a few hours after every meal to…uh, vent himself in solitude.

I haven't been here too much lately, but I'm extremely glad I stopped by today!



"The undertaker said it put him in mind of a dead baby".

My favorite Jean Shepherd story is the one where he goes to his Polish friend's house, and gets to try food with actual flavor for the first time (while her immigrant parents watch and nod approvingly at his enormous appetite).

I got an email from Amazon saying that I was getting a $1.99 credit on my account because of the delay. (I did finally manage to watch it about 7pm EST last night).

"probably responsible"