Mrs. Peel

I like to think I'm a pretty nice person as a rule, but reading Franzen's book of essays strongly made me want to give him a wedgie.

"I stopped going to Star Trek movies after Insurrection"

I think maybe Star Wars is one of those things that you have to be exposed to as a kid to really get into it.

Me too, that's the main disadvantage of not having cable. Those vague, reveal-nothing clips are hilarious.

That was how the ending came across to me, too.

At least he still has his hands…

And digging up their one Jewish employee from the mailroom. That was hilariously awkward.

Yes, that was pretty common back then. Of the older folks I know (family and friends), most of them worked for the same employer for most of their lives, and a lot of them progressed without any kind of formal qualifications.

"He was survived by his wife of 74 years"

"Fashion It So" is the greatest thing on the internets.

That's a very fun episode- I would go watch it immediately. Iggy Pop is great.

I love the radish kid.

Really? I thought that one was good. Plus it had pre-Ro Michelle Forbes!

I don't know exactly what that is, but the name is… not appetizing.

Other possibilities:

Yeah, he's a sculptor.

I suddenly pictured a Klingon with a pet targ named "Mr. Snuggles".


My fanwank:

I will admit I had a bit of a crush on him when the show first started, but I was 7 and didn't know any better!