Mrs. Peel

I recommend Julia Child's "The French Chef" (which is free if you have Amazon Prime).

(shudders reflexively)

Ha, no, it's okay!!

I would have to disagree- the child characters were admittedly weak, but I've re-watched the whole series many times over in recent years, and I think it holds up remarkably well. I don't think it's entirely my nostalgia.

Awwwwww, that one was kind of fun. "Cost of Living", though, I wouldn't watch again if you put a fucking gun to my head.

The Ferengi episodes on TNG are admittedly dire, without exception. But there are actually some really great Ferengi episodes on DS9.

Now I can die happy. (dies)

As far as child characters on TNG go, the only one I *really* liked was the kid who grew the weird radishes (in "Disaster").

One of the things I liked about "Suspicions" from TNG Season 6 (? I think) was how they portrayed Klingon scientists— angry and with massive chips on their shoulders from not really being respected back home. Seems realistic.

"And this was after we see him as more adult"

I'd definitely rank it as my own #1 favorite TV show finale.


"somebody hands you a pamphlet[…] that basically shows you
where everybody can eat"

I used to pass a place in Pennsylvania on I-90 that advertised "Adult Videos, Fireworks, and Karate Supplies". Talk about your one-stop shopping!

I don't think it would've been humanly possible to make any TV show featuring Jaguars in the '60s, and *not* make that joke. Not starting was what they were best known for.

My understanding is that the amount of power used during the procedure has been dialed *WAY*, way back over the last few decades, and that modern ECT has far fewer side effects. Nobody who gets it these days should be blacking out or experiencing memory loss, etc.

He was one of my favorites early on— same here. (Though I think his descent into douchebaggery after he became head of the TV department was pretty realistic).

I believe another major sticking point is because the US still wants to allow 17-year-olds to join the military.

My favorite Indiana fact is that they (apparently) have a city called "Gnawbone" which is pronounced "Guh-NAW-bone-EE".

Not that I've seen, though he does drink a very un-Ron-Swanson-esque amount of wine.