My lobotomy hurt.

Dib: What does identifying blotches have to do with finding our careers?

As another repentant IV drug user, I too had to applaud the realism of that scene (though those rigs had some big ass points on 'em), the floating did come off kinda hokey like Donna said, but it did a reasonable job of illustrating that high to non-drug users.

Mine would have to be "Sons of Anarchy". The first couple episodes I caught, I just wasn't very interested, I thought it was just FX's mindless attempt at an "outlaw" show. The more I watched though, the more I found myself invested in the characters & realized I was actually really enjoying it.

I had a hard time getting into 'Catch-22' as well. I was really expecting to just read through it in a week or so, but I found myself just trudging a few chapters in and then giving up. Took me at least three tries to finish it, but when I did I really loved it. Same thing for 'On the Road'.

This is actually the third in his 'Sci-fi' trilogy. 'Rant' being the first.

@Marlay I lol'd in spite of myself. Best wishes to Dr. Hawking and his family.

Juicy pear ftw! Also, all flavors having to do with variations on citrus fuits.

@Minister, I applaud you sir, I think Yubaba alone would make me lose my shit. However, I've also thought that if I ever got the nerve to try that this would be mind blowing on shrooms. The first time I saw it stoned was incredible.

Seconding Fargo.