
My favorite Beefheart tune. I'll be joining you, Pinto.

Krieg is spot on, but I would also add drunken live re-enactments of the slapfests, which consisted of two grown men running circles around each other while slowly waving their arms in the air.

Rabin gotta get on this
So does this pretty much guarantee the return of Nathan's Silly Little Show-Biz Book Club? Pleeease?

I would like to second CHOMPS' humble request for Klaus Kinski's notoriously deranged and pornographic autobiography (also apparently with bits written by Werner Herzog, too!)

I hope those rumors about the back-carving iPenalColony device aren't true!

It Happened One Night also helped pioneer the screwball genre, which, marginal or not in its own day, is still alive and well in a lot of recent movies.

As a matter of fact,
this is Snoop's submission for an Experimental Film class he's taking at his local community college.

Miller, if it's the Billy Ripken card with "Fuck Face" written on his bat, then it would probably be worth it.

On the Dana Carvey Show, they had a parody of The Beatles Anthology where Ringo was near-comatose during all his interviews.

Possibilities, here in Baltimore we've been hearing "Just wait and see how good the O's are gonna be in two years!" for over ten years now. Fuckin' Peter Angelos.

I wish I had seen 2001: A Space Odyssey with a little more maturity. The first time I saw it I think I was 13 and was just puzzled and annoyed by the ending. That's another movie that also demands to be seen on a big screen the first time you see it.

I would have liked a clean slate
for Citizen Kane. I had known that Rosebud was a sled since I was a kid because Animaniacs and old Peanuts strips spoiled it for me. But it's debatable whether the sled even means anything at all, so I guess it can also be argued whether it counts as an actual spoiler or not.

By the end of the week, Steve will be screaming "He put his disease in me!!"

I'm sure even Wallace Shawn has to go to a Boring Place every now and then.

John Waters
Maybe it's 'cause I'm a Baltimore native, but for me, he's one of those guys who can do no wrong when it comes to comedy. Female Trouble and the original Hairspray are two of my favorites of all time.

Curb Your Enthusiasm…
is a good call. Any part involving Larry David and Richard Lewis together cracks me up. My favorite is when Richard makes a lame excuse for stealing Larry's answering machine message ("I have to hold on to these things… I don't have a wife and my parents are dead") and then Larry taunts him

The Toronto Shirling League skit is genius, especially when the one fan raises a sign that says "John 3:16."
Also the song when they're climbing the stairs. "I'm on the first step… I'm on the second step…"
And the Daves I Know song. Alright, I'll stop now.

What makes me angry is that the ebay site says there will only be 1000 copies of this set when it actually does come out. And only on vinyl at that. I gotta get a record player.

I'm going a little obscure, but I genuinely love "Torn and Frayed" because of that steel guitar solo in the middle of the song. Simple as hell, but perfect.

Yeah, like City Lights, Modern Times, The Gold Rush — Chaplin would have fit in nicely here, he definitely had sympathy for the downtrodden.