Millicent R Finagle

And J Lo as Grace Farrell…

Friar Laurence?

Awww, HELL no!

We could be all timely and work in blood libel and anti-semitism, e.g., The Brothers Karamatzoh

The idea had so much potential, but it was hamstrung by lazy execution by a writer who didn't really give a shit about telling an amusing story. It was lazy, stupid, and should never have received a grade higher than a C.

I really hope someone makes "Fucking Jane Austen," though.

Go watch Country Strong to help you put things in perspective.

It's awfully useful keeping the capstan and line crews coordinated.

Perhaps I'll be able to see them next Decemberween.

Enjoy the one training sequence with Cordy, because it's the only time the series suggests that she might be able to fight. Harrumph.

Cumberbath as Ripper?

Silly, then stick to non-Christmas seasonals like barleywines! Mmmm, three sheets!

I went to the Pizza Port Strong Ale Fest (all beer 8% ABV and up) and someone had frozen a keg of PBR and skimmed off some of the water, which made super-concentrated, 10% ABV PBR- for unofficial consumption, of course. Three times the ass flavor in one sampler. Mr. Finagle nearly hurled, but I was made of sterner…

And if ever a show was made for Smell-o-vision, it's this.

He probably had to recuse himself.

I live in San Diego so you can imagine. Favorites include:

Pssht, if they wanted drama, they should focus on a smaller brewery with bigger problems, like Lost Abbey in San Marcos pissing off the Wiccan community with a painting of a buxom witch being burned at the stake on their Witch's Wit.

Ow! My Face!

I wish they'd catch things like CancerAIDS.

Surely you jest