Millicent R Finagle

Bishops love sci-fi!

All of this is making me pine for the days when a good screech owl call was all it took to make friends and influence people. Nowadays people have loons as their ringtones, and all of the nuance is gone.

If he does a move just called "Secret" the circle will be complete, strong enough for Maverick, but ph balanced for Goose.

Hell, lifetime pass for Top Secret!

Steel Magnolias is the sequel to the film of Dahlgren, right?

Puppies! Bunnies! Socialized medicine!

Someone needs to make a movie about the Project Runway style maven and call it Gunn.

Tom Petty needs a fragrance called "Indiana." Indiana smells very natural.

I guess Jennifer Anniston and Gwyneth Paltrow will have to start a support group for all the hate they have to endure from the petty and small-minded whose hate is standing between them and true perfume-based enlightenment. Or maybe start a club for Pretty Insular Girls, and their followers can be PIGlets, and they

Pete and Repete were sittin' on a fence. Pete fell off. Who was left?

Sulphur and brimstone!

She looks more like him than I do.

Fifty-seven academics just punched the air.

Proper queuing!

You think that's weird? I'm on page 305.

"Honey? Where's my black rappelling harness?"

I love so much that Weird Al's Episode 1 song has become for my generation of nerd culture the same touchstone that Don McLean's original was for its generation. I saw Weird Al in concert (finally!) a few years ago and generations of people in Star Wars and post-ironic t-shirts were throwing their arms around one

I'm reminded of the publisher's weekly brouhaha when no books by women appeared on their best books of 2009 list. Women cried foul, men cried that they expected favoritism and that obviously, no worthy books had been written by women that year. Sorry, guys, if half the population is poorly represented (or not at all,

Instead of dunking donuts in coffee, it'll be finding the right proportion of Red Bull to put in mixed drinks.

Oddly, you'll only find Nazis in one of those two places.