Master Ninja Theme Song

Then you and your wife could stand to throttle down a bit.  You know…before the wrath of God falls on you.

Bill Clinton.  But only when Lewinsky was polishing his knob.

The trenchant, hard-hitting political exposes* are my favorites.  And the vacuous celebrity interviews.

Now that it's been cancelled, the full series DVD will be in stores in no time at all, right?  Hell, it's probably already available at Amazon.

He's [pseudo-spoiler alert] still alive in the novels.  Although not with all of his original parts.

"Demi Moore is a total dumbass."

Isn't that YOUR job Ms. Blake?  To spare your readers the agony of having to peruse US Weekly?

With all of this class and sophistication to maintain [as well as their respective dreams], how will they ever get around to ending the war in Vietnamland?

Didn't seem to work for those two pestilential goths.

Don't sweat the load, joker.  As your higher cerebral functions begin to flare out due to the massive loss of brain cells, it's kind of like succumbing to a mild yet persistent undertow.  You know it's getting worse, yet mercifully, you are unable to comprehend just how pathetic you've become.

No Chelsea Handler either?  Pass.

Kind of hoping you could tell me.  This "disqus" thingy seems to be totally OTR at the moment.

The more any word is uttered aloud, the less sense it makes.  Unless you were going for a thinly-veiled callback to That 70's Show episode when the parents ate the special brownies and got stoned.

All we are is dust in the wind.  Cybernetic dust in a virtual world of digital wind.