
I'm sorry if I implied you weren't- I guess that was pretty hypocritical of me. Thank you for pointing it out.

I'm glad you've never been offended by it. Maybe I read the wrong things, but I come across it being used horribly a lot, and the word really makes me squirm at this point. It's like any time a descriptive that comes before "people" starts being used as a noun- it emphasises difference, and makes women sound like some

Yeah, I'm glad it's been drawn attention to, as well. I'm not trying to dictate what people are talking about, either; I realise it's impossible and harmful. I really only stopped by to stick up for @thuvaraga89, and there isn't much I'm arguing for. A tone that is disrespectful towards women is frustrating; that's

It's a good point that there are more women here than might be visible, so perhaps we're not being silenced. Thank you for pointing that out.

"Male and female" are adjectives and are fine and dandy. It's specifically "female" as a noun that grates. It's dehumanising language largely because of its impersonal, medical- and, yeah, animal- overtones, but also just because eight of ten times it's used it's to make some sweeping sexist statement.

Obviously, there are contexts in which it's appropriate language.

Well- it's a minor point, but it probably didn't help. It's less that it caused the jokes, which may be ubiquitous; rather, it prevents serious discussion from happening alongside them by establishing that this is a jokey thing, not something worth talking about.

It's perfectly possible to get the joke and still be offended. Discrimination against women is a serious issue and having it dismissed with jokey, sarcastic sexism is harmful because it derails any attempts to seriously discuss it. The tone of the article- which wasn't really so bad on its own- has led to the comments

Yeah, it's dehumanising as fuck. The word "women" will cover you, and it makes us sound like people. Maybe let the group being discriminated against decide how they want to be referred to, huh?


My name. Leave me allllooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnneeee

It is my name too and yes it is.

Ugh. I love it.

Okay, so Ask is obviously the odd one out, but it is also so, so good.