Tintin Poirot

After Candie discovered their ruse, the negotiating position tilted all towards Candie. Candie's insistence on a handshake was just one more condition he added, just because he could. If Candie could force them to pay and force them to handshake, who's to say what else he could extract from them? They were already

After Candie discovered their ruse, the negotiating position tilted all towards Candie. Candie's insistence on a handshake was just one more condition he added, just because he could. If Candie could force them to pay and force them to handshake, who's to say what else he could extract from them? They were already

So, in Tron 3 are we going to get a Last Crusade-like scene where Flynn and Sam talk about both sleeping with Quorra? Ewww.

More like Zhang Yi-no!
I mean, Mr. Zhang puts on a great spectacle in the '08 Olympics and his Raise the Red Lantern Ballet wasn't half bad either, but I generally don't like any of his movies. I've seen To Live. I felt it was nicely shot, but kind of contrived into a two hour beatdown on one Chinese family. House of

Whoops, did I say "popular again"? Hehe, remove again.

I didn't AVOID the hype insomuch that it never crossed my path. I mean, I was never fan of Tron. If it DOES become popular again, I'm not going to jump on the bandwagon and say I was totally for Tron when I wasn't.

I liked it.
Keep in mind:
-I saw a pre-screening for free
-I never saw Tron (only a few clips)
-I didn't follow ANY of the hype
-Went in with very few expectations

I don't know about that, man. I think I'd have to be slipped a roofie to enjoy Harry Potter…

A nano-augmented Gizmoduck!

Curious about opinions on Joker in Batman Beyond. When I was reading Leonard's piece and he mentions how Joker "has no family", I immediately thought of Return of the Joker.

Yes, I was waiting for the Daryl shower scene and also the Andrea+Dale shower scene. Heck, why not have the African American woman, the short haired woman, and Jenner too!

Yeah, I said that earlier, too.

Wait, so you didn't mind Merle the ragin' racist OR Ed the dad who molests his child?

I think it's because it's a part of the genre that there's stuff like a self-destruct sequence.

Maybe it wasn't zombies…

Y'know why the geneators are running out of fuel?
"Because you assholes took like an hour each in the shower and you goddamn kids played video games! Did you like Pac-man, Carl!!!? Huh?"

"The French did invent a cure, but…it's a suppository."
*Rick's eyes widen*



@otto mann empire