
Serious answer: It's someone who alternates between dominant and submissive roles.

It's not as bad as it could be. There were some somewhat interesting plot twists and some of the action sequences were pretty cool. Everything else is about as stupid as it gets. Go into it with reasonable expectations — this is the CW, after all — and enjoy it as a guilty pleasure. There doesn't seem to be much

Austin doesn't necessarily fit that description, since it's also the state capital. (In fact, the actual geography textbook on American college towns excludes cities that have other large employers.) Given that, it's surprising how much the eccentricity has permeated the larger culture since the '60s. One could argue,

Her cover of Ted Leo on a previous Undercover series was also quite good.

"So he dies with his honor and his identity intact, scorning Walt’s entreaties to lie, beg, promise them anything to live. He’s been transformed by his pursuit of Heisenberg into the lawman he always wanted to be."

I'm really envious of Leithauser's voice, especially on older live versions when he could really belt it out. THAT RANGE. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I liked Heaven, but I agree that the live version of All Hands and the Cook is epic beyond words when his cords are up to the task. Spine-tingling stuff.

Benedict Cumberbatch.

The more I get into The Walkmen, the more I've been impressed with - and envious of -  Leithauser's range. He can't belt it out to the same degree as he did back in the You & Me days, but the dude can still seriously hit some big notes.

As an ex-Christian Scientist myself, I second this whole-heartedly. Shit's CRAZY.

As a white vegan you-can-argue-whether-or-not-I'm-a-hipster, I agree.

Oh, it's PERFECT. Everything was completely solved once the other dude with the other letter after his name came to power.

Great song from a great album. What this piece fails to mention, though, is its historical context. Like you said, it came out in 2003. A lot of those songs on that album were Leo's take on how America fit into the world at that time - post-9/11, pre-Iraq War, Bush presidency. Sure, a gazillion people aren't big fans

See what you've started, A.V. Club?! What do you have to say for yourself?

Radiohead - "Motion Picture Soundtrack"


What hasn't been stated yet is that Oliver probably got picked because, with the departure of Cenac, he's the only other writer-performer they have on staff. All the other correspondents are freelancers, if I'm not mistaken. So, he's the only one who has the performing chops and the intimacy with the show that's